About Us

Our Approach

Our Story

Our Mission

Progressive Pedagogies creates and supports transformational learning communities to foster justice, enhance efficacy and change the world.

It is our mission to foster Progressive Pedagogies across sectors through Professional Development, Organizational Support and Community.

What are Progressive Pedagogies?

Progressive Pedagogies are learning practices which:

  1. Support the agency and interests of each individual
  2. Recognize that everything is interconnected, from school subjects to work place dynamics
  3. Strive to bring greater justice to the world for all people


At the end of the day, it is the people who make the difference, Progressive Pedagogies exists to support communities so that people can succeed to their full potential.


Dr. Randy Bartlett

Founder & Director

Randy has been working in education and non-profits organizations for  two decades. He has been an elementary school teacher in small rural schools like the Acworth Center School, a school principal at Propel East and Propel Montour, designed the project based Andrew Street High School, a Director of Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment and Data and A Senior Director of Research, Reporting and the Arts for Propel Schools. He designed and directed the Pittsburgh Urban Teaching Corp and has teaches graduate students on their path to becoming teachers at Chatham University. He has served as the president of the Board of Trustees for the Waldorf School of Pittsburgh, served as a curriculum consultant for The Sprout Fund , a school design consultant for the Detroit Leadership Academy and supported the reimagined physical spaces at The Campus at Colonial . Randy has been a Crisis Deescalation Trainer using the CPI system for more than 10 years. He has recently presented at the Council of Independent Colleges annual conference and the AWSNA regional conference.

All of this work serves to create and support transformational learning communities for all people.

Randy has a BA in History and Religion from Oberlin College, a M.Ed. in Integrated Learning from Antioch University New England, a post masters certificate in Educational Leadership from Keene State College and a Ph.D. in Leadership and Change from Antioch University.

A utopian at heart, he believes that with the right systems, enriching learning opportunities and supportive communities we can transform our world.

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